
Before going to sleep, I set the intention that I wanted to meet someone via dreams.

Last night I dreamed that I went to visit Tiffany who was living in kind of a big dorm. She was in room 12. I’ve seen this hallway and setup before; I knew exactly where her room was. It might have been the same location as Char’s room when I dreamed about him. Inside it was more like a hotel room than a dorm with a bit lit vanity and cream-colored walls and a huge walk in closet. She seemed really unhappy and I got the impression that she had no friends and her classmates (?) didn’t like her. While she was in class I visited a little deli (I’ve seen this place in other dreams too) and got the story from the owner behind the counter that confirmed my suspicions.

When I went back to her room, Maximus was there. We were in the closet, which was connected to the bathroom. I don’t recall why but I had started the water for something and realized the sink was overflowing. I could see water around the walls of the closet and worried that it would leak through to the room on the other side and we’d be busted since I don’t think Maximus or I was really supposed to be there. Fortunately she had so many clothes and towels lying around on the floor I was able to use them to soak up the water. At some point Maximus bonked his head and was yelping.

The cat woke me up and when I got back into bed I realized that Maximus must’ve been the answer to my request for an encounter.

I remember seeing a man with shoulder-length silver hair that was supposed to be Victor, but he wasn’t.

Another dream took place at my warehouse. I was in the back where my brother lives and there were several people there, I think for a sleepover? I remember a kid with freckles and short spiky hair; he looked like an anime character. We heard a strange sound banging against the back door but when we opened it, nothing was there. It was dark outside and ominous. They were just going to close the door and ignore it but I wasn’t staying over; I needed to go outside and go home and wanted to someone to walk out there with me.

Same place but different time. I was waiting for UPS, I think. I had a different driver than my usual one, this guy was supposed to be my previous driver (but IRL he wasn’t; he was a guy in high school the same time I was). I asked him what he’d been up to but was secretly missing my usual driver, “my Keanu Reeves lookalike.” (Also not true IRL.) For some reason I was organizing a display of fall vegetables. I was stacking pumpkins and squash and zucchini and cucumbers of all sizes, trying to fill in gaps but make it look fancy.